Talks & Engagements


Public Talks



Verschreibungspraktiken im niedergelassenen Bereich: Erste Ideen zum „Deprescribing“ von Antibiotika, Symposium zum 17. Europäischen Antibiotikatag, Bundesministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit, Pflege und Konsumentenschutz, Vienna (Austria)

Engaging with Antibiotics and Benzodiazepines through Everyday (De)Prescription, Talk at the Social Science Research Group (SSRG), Cornell University

Deprescribing – of Quantity and Qualities, Webinar of the Global Pharmaceuticaly & Society Studies (GPSS) Network

Gender, Arznei und Gesellschaft, VHS Wien (Adult Education Center Vienna), Vienna (Austria)

Social Prescribing for People without Health Insurance, 1st National Conference for Social Prescribing, Austrian National Public Health Institute (GÖG), Vienna (Austria)

The CANCERLESS Project: Using the Health Navigator Model to Fight Cancer (and Health) Inequalities, FEANTSA Forum 2024, Vienna (Austria)

Antibiotic Guidelines and Hospital Practice, Symposium for the World Hand Hygiene Day, Austrian Ministry of Health, Vienna (Austria)

Homelessness: Facts & Lived Realities, Young Critical Medicine Workshop, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna (Austria)

Social Prescribing in the Context of Homelessness Support: Practical Experiences and Evaluations, 31st National Platform for Homelessness Meeting, Vienna (Austria)

Uncaring Cures: A Critical Phenomenology of Targeted Therapies for Hepatitis C in the Context of Addiction, “Targeting Cures” Conference, University College Dublin (Ireland)

Mundane Chemo-Worlds: Engaging with Antibiotics and Benzodiazepines through Everyday (De)Prescription and (Non)Use in Austria, EASA 2024, Barcelona (Spain), with Janina Kehr

On “Non”-Effects: Engaging with Antibiotics and Benzodiazepines through Everyday (De)Prescription and (Non)Use in Austria, EASST 2024, Amsterdam (Netherlands)

Arznei und Gesellschaft: Ein Blick auf die sozialen Aspekte von Medikamenten, VHS Wien (Adult Education Center Vienna), Vienna (Austria), with Honja Hama

Spektrum Gender: Trans*, non-binäre oder queere Lebensrealitäten in aktueller Perspektive, Terra Humana, with Igor Grabovac


Medicine in Action – Contextualizing Humanitarian Work in the Mediterranean, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna (Austria)

C is for curation: A glossary for assembling survivable futures through academic conferencing, 4S: Society for the Social Studies of Science, Annual Meeting, Honolulu (Hawaii, USA)


Lived Experiences of a Health Navigator with people experiencing homelessness – the Austrian Case, IFIC - The International Foundation for Integrated Care, Webinar from Horizon 2020’s CANCERLESS (online)

Juxtaposed Responsibilities: Exploring State-Society Relations in Austrian Healthcare Politics through Stories of Infection and Cure, EASST2022, Madrid (Spain)


Cures, Harms & Medical Authority: Animating Side-Effects As Modes Of Resistance In Hepatitis C-Treatments, EASST/4S Joint Conference, Prague (virtual)

Pensionsantritt als Chance zur Erhöhung von Gesundheitsressourcen: Evaluations-Ergebnisse eines Pilotprojektes, Annual Conference of the Austrian Association of Public Health, Graz (Austria) - canceled due to Covid-19


SoNAR-Global: Building Tools and Models for the Governance of Emerging Infectious Diseases and Antimicrobial Resistance, Global Health & Diplomacy: Configurations of Knowledge, Power and Policy, Workshop Talk at the Department of Political Science, University of Vienna (Austria)

The Invisible In Health And Healing: How To Talk Suffering In The Age Of Cure, 4S: Society for the Social Studies of Science, Annual Meeting, New Orleans (United States)

Good Health? Treatment, Care, and Symborgs in the Regime of Cure, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology. University of Vienna (Austria)

Senses of Security: Probing the Logics and Effects of Hepatitis C’s ‘Regime of Cure’, Munich Center for Technology in Society (MCTS), Technical University Munich (Germany)


Good Diagnostics? Caring for “Good Health” in the Case of Hepatitis C Testing, EASST, University of Lancaster (UK)

Good Diagnostics: Productive Uncertainty and Caring for Health in the Case of Hepatitis C Testing, STS Italia, University of Padova (Italy)

Veränderungen in der Behandlung von Hepatitis C und das Potenzial einer gemeinsamen ‘Handelszone’ von Medizinanthropologie und Public Health, Annual Conference of the Austrian Association of Public Health, Vienna (Austria)

Treating the Infection: Hepatitis C in Ethnographic Perspective, STS Conference Austria, Graz (Austria)


From Chronic to Infectious: Hepatitis C and its ‘Cure’, 4S: Society for the Social Studies of Science, Annual Meeting. Boston, MA (United States)

Curing Hepatitis C: Fieldwork Perspectives, EASA Medical Anthropology Network, Biannual Conference, Lisbon (Portugal)


Translating Hepatitis C: When a Chronic Disease Becomes Curable, Science Studies Research Group, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY (United States)


Panels & Workshops



Barriers for Women in Health Leadership, Expert Panel Participant, Women in Global Health – Austria Chapter & European Health Forum Gastein, Vienna (Austria)


With Substance – Rethinking Drugs, Technofixes, and the (Geo)Politics of Harm, Panel at the Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S) & ESOCITE Joint Conference, Cholula (Mexico)

Meshworking: A feminist-decolonial workshop in visualizing distributed-togetherness and contemporary entrepreneurial knowledge-production – Making & Doing Workshop, 4S/ESOCITE Joint Conference, Cholula (Mexico)

  • Honorable Mention Commendation (2022) at the Making & Doing Awards, 4S/ESOCITE Joint Conference, Cholula (Mexico)


Centering Public Healthcare, Panel at the Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S), Annual Meeting, Toronto (Canada)

An Exquisite Corpse: Experiments in Practicing Better Relations as Scholars During Uncertain Times, Panel at the Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S), Annual Meeting, Toronto (Canada)

Visualization Workshop – Preparing visualizations and infographics to translate, depict, and communicate scientific research, Workshop organized at the Konrad Lorenz Institute (KLI), Klosterneuburg (Austria)


Doctoral Research, Inventive Inquiry and Making New Spaces in and beyond the Academy, Panel at the EASST/4S Joint Conference, Prague (Czech Republic)

Taipei Biennial 2020 x Critical Zones/ZKM: “Score: Residual Walk” – an installation for “Curating on the Move: International Curatorial Workshop”


Feminist Technoscience by Other Means: Reconfiguring Research Practices, Panel at the Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S), Annual Meeting, New Orleans (USA)


Women's Collective of the Social Sciences and Humanities – Intersectional Feminisms on Campus: A Workshop, Ithaca (USA)


Anthropology’s Publics: Critical Reflections on Public Engagements, Panel at the Society for Cultural Anthropology Biennial Meeting, Ithaca (USA)